Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christ's Onkos
The Comet Lovejoy appeared in the East yester-eve like some latterday Star of Bethlehem. It is itself a miracle which should have been vaporized in its close passage to our Sun (which it passed within less than half the distance to our moon). Astronomers were amazed when it resumed its trajectory towards the outlands of the solar system, probably quite smaller in it's mass but no less spectacular in it's tail. Proofed by the refiner's fire, it endures - a symbol perhaps of a remnant Christianity and its founder death and resurrection. Soon, Christ will be a Christmas day black hole whose existence can only be discerned only by observing the bodies that have fallen into his intense gravitational pull until even their light cannot escape. Perhaps that is the way it was meant to be.
Folks increasingly seem unable to get beyond the natural and moral theodicies that run interference between them and God. But the Light that came into the world was always in a Superposition in which the humanity and divinity of the Crucified were there all along. Like the two-slit experiment in quantum mechanics, there is always interference, but the light always shines somewhere.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Suffer the Turkeys
Poor Tom Granger was born into the Plymouth Colony some four or five years after that proto-Thanksgiving. Sixteen or seventeen years after that he would become the first person hanged in the Plymouth Colony, on or about September 8th, 1642.
He [Thomas Granger] was this year detected of buggery, and indicted for the same, with a mare, a cow, two goats, five sheep, two calves and a turkey. Horrible it is to mention, but the truth of the history requires it. He was first discovered by one that accidentally saw his lewd practice towards the mare. (I forbear particulars.) Being upon it examined and committed, in the end he not only confessed the fact with that beast at that time, but sundry times before and at several times with all the rest of the forenamed in his indictment. And this his free confession was not only in private to the magistrates (though at first he strived to deny it) but to sundry, both ministers and others; and afterwards, upon his indictment, to the whole Court and jury; and confirmed it at his execution. And whereas some of the sheep could not so well be known by his description of them, others with them were brought before him and he declared which were they and which were not. And accordingly he was cast by the jury and condemned, and after executed about the 8th of September, 1642. A very sad spectacle it was. For first the mare and then the cow and the rest of the lesser cattle were killed before his face, according to the law, Leviticus xx.15; and then he himself was executed. The cattle were all cast into a great and large pit that was digged of purpose for them, and no use made of any part of them.
from Bradford's Of Plymouth Colony
In an act of speculative anthropology on the origins of turkey pardons in the Americas, I must note the date September 8th, and the fact that while all the cattle were paraded before the condemned teenager, no mention of fowl is made. That turkey got eaten. Count on it.
As for myself, I'll take a Honeybaked ham anytime.
Friday, September 30, 2011
My Raptorially Splendiferous Left Arm
Whereat one of Offa's kin, knowing the Earl
would not suffer slack-heartedness,
loosed from his wrist his loved hawk;
over the wood it stooped: he stepped to battle.
(Translation from the old English by Michael Alexander, from the Penguin book of The Earliest English Poems.)
Offa will lead the Angles after Brythnoth falls, but it is his anonymous kinsman who lets his hawk fly free that foreshadows the disaster that will befall. To drive off the horses is a military expediency, to let fly the hawk is an acceptance that death comes stalking the battlefield. Offa's kinsman must have really loved that hawk to ride with it onto the brink of battle. After it ends badly for the English, the old Heroic Faith is roused by Bryhtwold, himself almost as old as Brythnoth, as he stands near the body of his Earl: "Courage shall grow keener, clearer the will, the heart fiercer, as our force faileth. Here our lord lies levelled in the dust."
One thousand and seven years later Matthew Botvinick and Jonathan Cohen conducted a famous experiment at the University of Pittsburgh wherein healthy subjects experienced a artificial arm made of rubber as being their own. The subjects felt the stroke on the artificial right arm while their own real arm was hidden from view. The phenomenal self-model has long been know to expand our sense of ourselves into space (think of driving a car, riding a skateboard, skiing etc...wherin you experience those things as an extension of self) but in the experiment the mind was tricked into expanding its PSM into a discrete, seperate physicality. And so we come know that a hawk on the fist is no different for Offa's kin. Even so, the hawk is on the fist. There is a contiguity that is not there in the Botvinick and Cohen experiment. Yet I conjecture that Offa's kinsman, if he had an out-of-body experience upon his death at Maldon, watched it through the eyes of his loved hawk
Two nights ago, after an intense manning session with a Red-tail hawk wherein you perambulate about house and yard, introducing the hawk to things it would rather not see (humans, dogs, daytime television) I fell asleep on the couch after I had put the hawk in its mews. I fell into that twilit world while reading my Amazon Kindle, and it was poised in my left hand some inches above my chest and equidistant from my face. On that cusp between consciousness and unconsciousness, I had the distinct feeling that the hawk was on my wrist. I was consoled that as he looked down he could not help but see a human dead to the world, like those hundreds of corpses on the Blackwater River. But I woke with a start before I could fly off in him.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Who Told Thee Thou Wast Naked?
Monday, August 8, 2011
Real German Genius
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Why Obama Should Tell Bibi Netanyahu to go Bugger Himself

Monday, May 16, 2011
An Exasperating White Dwarf
Stephen Hawking (2011)
"We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships...having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they might reach."
Stephen Hawking (2010)
I get it. In Stephen Hawking's worst dreams anthropomorphized aliens engage in acts of terrorism equivalent to British Soldiers handing out smallpox infected blankets to Native Americans. How scientific. We must brush aside Paul's seventh heaven and make elbow room for Hawking's umpteenth universe. At the same time, like a little child, he is half afraid of what he might find out there in dark.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Debt Bomb
What about our children? We can't leave them all that debt.
Sure we can. We've been doing it for thirty years. If you owe a bank ten grand and you can't pay, you're in trouble. If you owe a bank a million dollars and you can't pay - the bank is in trouble. Old Wall Street adage. Adjust numbers to your heart's content for inflation. Their future monetary hegemony is assured with each incremental increase in the national debt. We are the terrorists, and we have a debt bomb.
The Chinese and other foreigners own so much of our debt. So what. Are those T-Notes, bills, and bonds secured by real property? No, just the full faith and credit of the US government. Was the phrase caveat emptor ever more appropriate? Nobody is being fooled here. If they want a real return of less than 200 basis points for loaning us money that doesn't have to be paid back for thirty years, well, then let them have at it, and let us spend it on Social Security, Education, Medicare, Universal Healthcare, National Public Radio, etc etc etc. The Federal government is not required to balance its budget like the states, and that is its virtue. Unfathomable for a nation that threw itself a back to back stock market and housing bubbles to suddenly behave like pikers.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The Three Christs of Ypsilanti
There are great laughs a-plenty, and hilarity reminiscent of Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. In fact, it would be difficult to dismiss intertextuality if Kesey hadn't been composing his novel at the same time Rokeach was still running his experiment. But the laughs prove a guilty pleasure, and the pathos that is mostly borne out of the experimenters interference in the lives of the three Christs offers no catharsis. Rokeach understood this twenty-two years after the fact in his Afterword. The experiment was a failure. Primitive delusions were merely exchanged for other primitive delusions. The Virgin Mary was deposed by a Yeti Woman. The ethical lapses that are glaring to the sensitive reader, but not, apparently, to Rokeach at the time, pile up one on the other until you wonder who is the real Dr. Dung (the youngest Christ, Leon Gabor, after altering his Christ delusion, however impermanently, starts referring himself as Dr. Dung).
But it is Leon Gabor who propels the narrative forward to the bitter end. Despite his delusion, there is still a moral center buried under all those psychotic defenses. He alone of the Christs knows what Rokeach is doing is wrong. He alone speaks far truer than he knows when he calls Rokeach the High Priest Caiaphas. Rokeach glosses it, hearing everything with his tape recorder, but never understanding. To those outside Christ was fond of speaking in parables.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Idle Thoughts
- Helen knew herself to be a whore, but neither the Argives nor the Trojans believed her.
- Moses Maimonides wouldn't accept money for being a Torah sage, saying the prophets and sages were hewers of wood and drawers of water and that was how they got their living. Maimonides himself was in pharmaceuticals.
- Lady Liberty's Las Vegas doppleganger has a postage stamp. Botox was used to eliminate the old whore's verdigris. Another argument for iconism in meaningless abstractions.
- Gas at four bucks a gallon. An apocalypse for the consumer! Today I laughed at a woman driving a Hummer. I made sure she saw me.
- Walt Disney has eight times as many Facebook friends as Jesus.
- There are hardly any people in the Georgics. They all went to hell with Virgil.
- Listened to a couple of hayseeds who will be suckled cradle to grave on the government teat prattle on about fiscal responsibility. A couple of parricides.
- Led Zeppelin IV is still one of my favorite album covers. It has Cain with his bundle of thorns and The Hermit (would that it were from the Marseille Tarot!). The world and the proper response to it.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The Pause that Refreshes

Thursday, April 7, 2011
A Wilderness of Mirrors
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The Sellout
Monday, April 4, 2011
Manning the Hawk
Red-Tail Hawks
Friday, April 1, 2011
Eight Dead in Mazar-i-Sharif
Monday, March 28, 2011
Notes on an Anti-Natalist
Friday, March 25, 2011

The monster sown in the radioactive dust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, courtesy of the US of A and its phallically named Little Boy and Fat Man, is accepted as necessary and right. If not the tembatsu of the Japanese, then the wrath of THE God and his agent on earth, America. The essential argument is made from Utilitarian principles. If Truman had not dropped the bomb, then multiples of X amount of US armed forces and Japanese soldiers and civilians might have died. In the speculative utilitarian argument, it is best to massage the numbers a bit - as indeed the Generals and Admirals did, and make appeals to God. Yet the smell of this argument has always made my eyes water. To want to incinerate people is one thing, but don't drag God into it lest you discover the moral equivalency that was lost over that dinner at Applebees.
You've just ordered several entrees from the Jack Daniels Grill (yes, even the kids...hey they give their kids wine in France goddamnit) and you're trying to watch Cabrera torch yet another top-notch reliever on the one of the big screens to tie the game. The truck driver sitting one table over sees the ticker at the bottom of the screen and sighs that yet another terrorist has tried to blow up himself and others with explosive material in his Hanes or Nike's or whatever. They ought to turn the whole goddamn place into a parking lot, he says, meaning the Mideast. Ah, the easy apocalypses of Christendom, as distinguished from authentic Christianity. Did not Caiaphas tell the Sanhedrin that it were better that one man (Jesus Christ) die than the whole nation perish? And yet the One died and was risen and the Nation of Israel perished anyways. I believe St. John includes this detail as a warning against speculative utilitarian murder. And in a curious inversion the truck driver will murder the many for the sins of the few. It is an easy habit to fall into, this sociopathy on a grand scale, and by projecting it onto a giant reptilian monster, a leviathan of dumb destruction, it is also easier to deny our own monstrousness.
(The image above is of the Marian statue of Urikami which 'survived' the Nagasaki atomic bombing. Nagasaki was the most Christian city in Japan and possibly the gateway to Christianity in Southeast Asia.)
In the next installment America gets its own monster in the wake of the September 11 attacks of 2001. His name is Cloverfield.
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Floating World

Seiji Sano's A Moment of Silence (2004)
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pissing at the Moon

Friday, March 18, 2011
They Don't Put Imbeciles on Dimes, Do They?
"Slow motion film of Reagan's speeches produced a marked erotic effect in an audience of spastic children."
This is perhaps one of the most chilling pieces of prophesy produced in the second half of the twentieth century.
"Studies were conducted on the marked fascination exercised by the Presidental Contender's hairstyle. 65% of male subjects made positive connections between the hairstyle and their own pubic hair. A series of optimum hairstyles were constructed."
In fact, the most optimum hairstyle was modeled after the Big Boy restaurant chain's mascot. It was unfortunate that Ballard, an Englishman, was not able to make the connection between repressed homoerotic patriotism and the hamburger culture. Thus I do it here for him. If Plato's Socrates could find virtue in the Spartan's Guardianship class, man-boy love and all, America as self -declared inheritor of the Judeo-Christian tradition must bury its pederastic fantasies in the beef. Subconsciously, the country and it's Madison Avenue high-priests understood this and in early 1984, during the ramp up for Reagan's re-election campaign, Wendy's hamburger chain roled out it's "Where's the Beef?" campaign.
At the 1980 Republican Conventon in Detroit copies of Why I Want to Fuck Ronald Reagan were printed up and imprinted with the seal of the RNC by some political pranksters. It was accepted at face value for what it purported to be - a paper on the candidate's subliminal appeal.
That no one at Cobo Hall would even blink twice nor blush at reading Ballard's fiction should come as no surprise as the subliminal appeal was already a resounding success. Ballard died in 2009, his lips sealed with a coal by an angel of the Lord like the old-timey prophets. Or at least l like to think so.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Defacing the Currency
I'm a consumer pariah. I don't use debit or credit cards to purchase a Hostess Fruit Pie down at the Speedway. Every time I dare pull out a twenty for gas or possibles my paper is subjected to an eraser test. Meanwhile, somebody is probably driving off without paying at all. Gasoline at $3.45 a gallon is a crime against humanity for most Americans, though they have no problem paying $3.99 for two ounces of 5-Hour Energy Drink. It's a Bear Market for Dog Philosophers all around.