Monday, March 28, 2011
Notes on an Anti-Natalist
Friday, March 25, 2011

The monster sown in the radioactive dust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, courtesy of the US of A and its phallically named Little Boy and Fat Man, is accepted as necessary and right. If not the tembatsu of the Japanese, then the wrath of THE God and his agent on earth, America. The essential argument is made from Utilitarian principles. If Truman had not dropped the bomb, then multiples of X amount of US armed forces and Japanese soldiers and civilians might have died. In the speculative utilitarian argument, it is best to massage the numbers a bit - as indeed the Generals and Admirals did, and make appeals to God. Yet the smell of this argument has always made my eyes water. To want to incinerate people is one thing, but don't drag God into it lest you discover the moral equivalency that was lost over that dinner at Applebees.
You've just ordered several entrees from the Jack Daniels Grill (yes, even the kids...hey they give their kids wine in France goddamnit) and you're trying to watch Cabrera torch yet another top-notch reliever on the one of the big screens to tie the game. The truck driver sitting one table over sees the ticker at the bottom of the screen and sighs that yet another terrorist has tried to blow up himself and others with explosive material in his Hanes or Nike's or whatever. They ought to turn the whole goddamn place into a parking lot, he says, meaning the Mideast. Ah, the easy apocalypses of Christendom, as distinguished from authentic Christianity. Did not Caiaphas tell the Sanhedrin that it were better that one man (Jesus Christ) die than the whole nation perish? And yet the One died and was risen and the Nation of Israel perished anyways. I believe St. John includes this detail as a warning against speculative utilitarian murder. And in a curious inversion the truck driver will murder the many for the sins of the few. It is an easy habit to fall into, this sociopathy on a grand scale, and by projecting it onto a giant reptilian monster, a leviathan of dumb destruction, it is also easier to deny our own monstrousness.
(The image above is of the Marian statue of Urikami which 'survived' the Nagasaki atomic bombing. Nagasaki was the most Christian city in Japan and possibly the gateway to Christianity in Southeast Asia.)
In the next installment America gets its own monster in the wake of the September 11 attacks of 2001. His name is Cloverfield.
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Floating World

Seiji Sano's A Moment of Silence (2004)
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pissing at the Moon

Friday, March 18, 2011
They Don't Put Imbeciles on Dimes, Do They?
"Slow motion film of Reagan's speeches produced a marked erotic effect in an audience of spastic children."
This is perhaps one of the most chilling pieces of prophesy produced in the second half of the twentieth century.
"Studies were conducted on the marked fascination exercised by the Presidental Contender's hairstyle. 65% of male subjects made positive connections between the hairstyle and their own pubic hair. A series of optimum hairstyles were constructed."
In fact, the most optimum hairstyle was modeled after the Big Boy restaurant chain's mascot. It was unfortunate that Ballard, an Englishman, was not able to make the connection between repressed homoerotic patriotism and the hamburger culture. Thus I do it here for him. If Plato's Socrates could find virtue in the Spartan's Guardianship class, man-boy love and all, America as self -declared inheritor of the Judeo-Christian tradition must bury its pederastic fantasies in the beef. Subconsciously, the country and it's Madison Avenue high-priests understood this and in early 1984, during the ramp up for Reagan's re-election campaign, Wendy's hamburger chain roled out it's "Where's the Beef?" campaign.
At the 1980 Republican Conventon in Detroit copies of Why I Want to Fuck Ronald Reagan were printed up and imprinted with the seal of the RNC by some political pranksters. It was accepted at face value for what it purported to be - a paper on the candidate's subliminal appeal.
That no one at Cobo Hall would even blink twice nor blush at reading Ballard's fiction should come as no surprise as the subliminal appeal was already a resounding success. Ballard died in 2009, his lips sealed with a coal by an angel of the Lord like the old-timey prophets. Or at least l like to think so.